-1 cup almond milk
-1/4 cup Chia Seeds
-1 Tbsp Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
-1 Tsp vanilla extract (optional)
-1 Tbsp coconut syrup
-1 Tbsp Cacao Nibs
-1 Tbsp Goji Berries
-A banana
-1 Cup protein
1. Mix the chia seeds with the Cocoa Powder, Syrup, Protein powder & banana (you can add date for extra taste or to remplace the coconut sugar)
2. Add milk to the mixture and mix with a spoon.
3. Place the mixture in a fridge overnight or at least for 1 hour at room temperature.
4. When ready to enjoy, garnish with some cacao nibs, goji berries, banana or toppings of your choice.

Remember that you I have a recipe eBook if you want to get some other healthy ideas (only 4,99€ ! Breakfast, lunch, dinner & snacks !)
If your goal is to shred fat, build lean muscle while maintaining your health & enjoying your food, feel free to check my 4 WEEK VEGAN MEAL PLAN 🌿💖 Lot of healthy food ideas, and NO RESTRICTION here 🙅🏻 All about abundance ! Abundance of joy, health, and results ! 💪🍌
Manon. 🖤