What you will find in this meal plan :
On all the subjects, I’m going to give you what I do, followed by what YOU should do and how you can implement it into your life.
Vegan & building muscles ?
How veganism changed my body, and how I’ve managed to be where I am now.
How to get lean
Nutrition guideline
-Macro-nutrient explanation (importance, source, how much to consume and why)
-Meal timings
-Sample of vegan meal plan to lean down while keeping muscle
-Building a healthy vegan grocery list
2. Workout guideline (what I am doing with a split example you can follow)
The 4 week vegan meal plan : easy & healthy !
100% vegan
80 pages which include pictures and ingredients needed.
20 vegan recipe : easy & healthy !
Each time you will have indication if it is :
Gluten free
Low fat
High protein
Oil free
All the recipes can be switch to a gluten free version !
Include picture of the meals.

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